Monday, March 16, 2009

Just some pics

Happy Monday to you all!  I am sitting here in Starbucks staring at my computer screen trying to will myself into writing something meaningful and deep... without much luck.  It's not that I don't anything to say... I just can't stop it all from swirling around long enough for me to form it into cohesive thoughts. SO I thought I would simply post some pics of my little girl's soccer game.  Everybody likes pictures, right?


Not to be outdone by her sister, Andrew deserves mention as well.  He is now an official adolescent!  Our little boy turned twelve yesterday, and I feel sooooo old.  I am proud of him, though.  He's about as good a 12-year old as they come, so I can't really complain.

There's so much more for me to write, but I have a lot of design work to get done, so I will leave all of that for later.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love that last one!! too cute! :)